
De regels van online winkelen van




De Noble Health online winkel die actief is op wordt gerund door BONATED

KRS: 0001019022
NIP: 5273042282
Regon: 524450832

BONATED Sp. z o.o.
00-110 Warszawa.

tel: (48) 670 28 87
fax: (22) 379 03 13

PLN: 90114020200000373560001004
EUR: 09114020200000373560001007

§1. Algemene bepalingen

1. BONATED verkoopt goederen via internet met behulp van het domein

2. Bestellingen in de winkel mogen alleen worden ingediend door personen die 18 jaar of met toestemming van een wettelijke voogd zijn.

3. Alle producten die worden aangeboden in de winkel zijn gloednieuw en hebben een fabrieksgarantie die van toepassing is in Polen.

4. Alle prijzen zijn brutoprijzen en zijn inclusief BTW.

5. De prijs die voor elk product wordt gegeven, is bindend vanaf het moment van bestelling tot uitvoering. De prijs bindt zowel de klant als de verkoper aan BONATED

6. Bedrijf The BONATED behoudt zich het recht voor om: de prijzen van aangeboden goederen te wijzigen, met uitsluiting van de in lid 1 bedoelde situatie 5, nieuwe producten introduceren in het aanbod, promotionele campagnes uitvoeren en annuleren en verkopen op de websites van de winkel of wijzigingen aanbrengen

7. Bewijs van aankoop (ontvangstbewijs of factuur) wordt afgegeven voor elke bestelling.

8. Het verkoopcontract wordt gesloten in overeenstemming met de Poolse wetgeving en in het Pools tussen de koper en de verkoper BONATED. Consolidatie, beveiliging en toegang tot essentiële bepalingen van het gesloten contract vindt plaats door te drukken en de koper een btw-factuur of bestelling specificatie te verstrekken.

9. De koper kan bij het plaatsen van een bestelling de optie voor "periodieke verzending van het product" ("Abonnement") selecteren. Het abonnement houdt in dat een bestelling wordt geplaatst met een frequentie van één, twee of drie maanden voor betaling en verzending van producten, die automatisch wordt vernieuwd met de door de koper gekozen frequentie, zonder dat er nieuwe bestellingen hoeven te worden geplaatst.

10. Door het Abonnement te selecteren, stemt de koper in met de periodieke afschrijving door de betaaloperator van de productkosten die onderhevig zijn aan het Abonnement, plus de verzendkosten, van de creditcard van de koper. Het gedetailleerde betalingsproces wordt beschreven in de algemene voorwaarden van de betaaloperator.

11. De overige bepalingen van deze Verordening zijn van toepassing op het Abonnement. 

§2. Placing Orders and Payments

1. To conclude a sales contract via the online store, you need to go to the product's website, select goods, and take further technical steps based on the messages displayed to the Buyer and the information available on the website.

2. Orders can be placed:

a. on the website - 24h;

b. via e-mail (preferred in case of individual orders) – 24h;

c. by sending a request to the e-mail address – 24h;

3. The store confirms the order by e-mail within 24 hours of receiving it. In exceptional cases (due to a technical error or unjustified use of a discount code or obtaining and using it in a manner inconsistent with the regulations), the store has the right to withdraw from the sale and not fulfil the order.

4. Submitting the order to fulfilment commences after confirmation of the Customer’s personal data and; in case of cash on delivery payment method – after receiving the confirmation of placing the order, or in case of bank transfer payments – after receiving payment to the bank account.

5. The Buyer can choose the following payment methods for the ordered goods:

        a. cash on delivery,

        b. online payments,

        c. bank transfer,

        d. credit card: Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro,

        e. BLIK.

6. The entity providing online payment services is mElements S.A., based in Warsaw, ul. Prosta 18, 00-850 Warszawa, KRS 0000590484, REGON 363203696, NIP 5223047892.

7. In the case of payment via credit card, the order processing time is counted from the moment the transaction is positively authorized.

8. If, after placing an order, it turns out that the ordered product is currently unavailable, the Buyer will be immediately informed by e-mail or telephone.

9. In such a situation, the Buyer decides on further order processing (extending the waiting time or cancelling the order).

10. If the Buyer decides (when the Store is unable to complete the entire order) to fulfil part of the order, the remaining part of the amount (in the case of prepayment) will be returned to the indicated account.

11. If the Buyer decides to cancel the order (if the Store is unable to complete the entire order), the entire amount will be returned to the Buyer (in the case of prepayment) to the indicated account.

12.  The purchaser can cancel the order or perform its alteration until the moment of shipping.

13.  The moment of telephone or e-mail confirmation of placing an order by BONATED Sp. z o.o is the last opportunity to correct incorrectly provided personal data or an incorrectly placed order by the Buyer.

14.  If the fiscal receipt or VAT invoice contains incorrect data, the Buyer should issue a corrective note in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance. A complete change of the Buyer's data is not possible.

15. The buyer, when placing an order, can choose the option of so-called "product subscription" ("Subscription"). Subscription involves placing an order with a frequency of one, two, or three months for payment and shipment of products, which is automatically renewed at the chosen frequency by the buyer, without the need to place new orders.

16. By selecting the Subscription, the buyer agrees to the recurring charging of the product prices subject to the Subscription, plus delivery costs, by the payment operator from the buyer's credit card. The detailed payment process is outlined in the payment operator's terms and conditions.

17. The remaining provisions of this Regulation apply to the Subscription.

§3. Cost and Time of Delivery

1. The store delivers parcels to the Buyer via a courier company.

2. The parcel delivery to the Customer is payable unless the contract provides otherwise. Product shipping costs are public and are included in the "SHIPPING" tab when placing an order.

3. The store does not allow the collection of orders in person.

4. Shipments are delivered in Poland and other European Union countries (additional fee for international shipments).

5. The Buyer is obliged to collect the ordered goods and pay for the ordered goods in accordance with the selected form of payment.

6.    The ordered goods by the Buyer will be delivered to the address indicated by the Buyer when placing the order or to the parcel station indicated by the Buyer.

If the Buyer fails to collect the package, he/she is obliged to cover the costs of returning the goods to the Seller, i.e. the return shipping cost.

7.    If the Buyer fails to collect the package, the Seller will demand to fulfil the contract, i.e. to cover the additional costs incurred by the Seller, i.e. the costs of the return shipping and the costs of re-shipment. After the ineffective expiry of the deadline set by the Seller, it will withdraw from the contract and reimburse the Buyer for the price of the products with the return shipping cost deducted.

8.    If the Seller is asked to resend the products, the Buyer covers the costs.

9.    The shipment and outer packaging should be checked before signing the courier receipt in the courier's presence. In the case of a damaged shipment (tears, damaged foil, traces of repackaging, crumpled cardboard) or loss of content, or in the event of non-delivery of the ordered goods, or finding shortages in the shipment, the following steps should be taken:

a.    damage or suspected damage should be reported in the courier receipt or with the electronic signature on the courier's mobile device;

b.    draw up a damage report together with the courier. The information can also be written by hand - in this case, you should report your willingness to prepare the report at the carrier's hotline;

c.     the report should include information on the condition of the shipment;

d.    enumerate damaged products, type of damage and possible shortages in the order;

e.    the protocol should be legibly signed by the courier.

Then immediately inform BONATED Sp. z o.o. about the situation and describe any irregularities in a clear and detailed way by e-mail to the following address:

10.  When picking up a parcel at a parcel station, if damage or shortage is found, the package should be left in a parcel station or go to the nearest InPost point to write down a damage report. Then, you should immediately inform the Store about the situation and describe any irregularities in a clear and detailed way by e-mail to the following address:

§4. Warranty Claims and Returns

1.    The Buyer, a consumer, may withdraw from the contract and resign from the purchased goods without giving a reason within 14 days from the date of receipt of the shipment. To withdraw from the contract, the Customer should submit a statement of withdrawal from the contract.

2.    The Buyer may send a statement of withdrawal from the contract together with the returned goods within the time limit specified in paragraph 1.

3.    The declaration of withdrawal from the contract should contain: the specification of the addressee (according to the data provided below), the date of conclusion of the contract/receipt of the goods, name, surname and address of the person withdrawing from the contract, information about the subject of withdrawal, and a statement regarding withdrawal from the contract with the Store, and – in the case of a statement on paper - it should be signed. When withdrawing from the contract, you can use the form prepared by the Store or the form constituting Annex No. 2 to the Act on consumer rights.

4.    The declaration of withdrawal from the contract should be sent by post in paper version to the address indicated below or sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address:

      BONATED Sp. z o.o
      Franciszka Legackiego 7, 26-600 Radom
      With the note: RETURN.

5. The online store guarantees a refund equal to the price of the goods within 10 business days using the same payment methods used by the Buyer in the original transaction unless the Buyer agrees to a different solution.

6. The Store informs that in the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Buyer is obliged to bear the costs of returning the goods to the Store. For clarification purposes only, we would like to inform you that if the purchased goods were included in promotional sales, e.g. free product added to the purchased goods, or the promotion allowed purchasing another product or products at a reduced price, the withdrawal from the contract applies to all purchased and goods received under this contract.

7.    Entrepreneur running a sole proprietorship who does not use the store as part of his professional activity (hereinafter referred to as the Privileged Entrepreneur) - a natural person using the store, including, in particular, making a purchase to the extent not related to his business activity, when the nature of the purchased product that it does not have a professional nature, resulting in particular from the subject of the business activity, made available based on the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity. When completing the order form, the Privileged Entrepreneur declares that the order is not related to professional activity - this will be equivalent to unchecking the checkbox located under the order form. The Privileged Entrepreneur has the right to withdraw from the contract on the same terms as the consumer.

8.    The Buyer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from using them differently than was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

9.    According to Art. 38 points 4, 5 and 6 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights, the Buyer is not entitled to withdraw from a contract in which:

a.    the subject of the service is an item that is subject to rapid deterioration or has a short shelf life;

b.    the subject of the service is an item delivered in a sealed package, which cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons if the package was opened after delivery;

c. the subject of the service are items which, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items after delivery.


§5. The Seller's Liability for Non-conformity of the Goods with the Contract. Consumer Complaints.

1. The Seller is obliged to deliver the goods in accordance with the contract.

2. The Seller is liable to the buyer if the goods sold are inconsistent with the contract (warranty). In this case, the Buyer may file a complaint with the Seller.

3. Complaints regarding products purchased by the Buyer from the Seller may be submitted by e-mail to the following e-mail address: or in writing to the following address:

BONATED Sp. z o.o

Franciszka Legackiego 7, 26-600 Radom


4. To submit a complaint, the Buyer may use the complaint form prepared by the Store. The form is not mandatory.

5. In the complaint, the Buyer should indicate the reason for the complaint and the request. The complaint should also contain the Buyer's data, enabling the response to the complaint (name, surname, address).

6. The Buyer submitting a complaint about the goods should present proof of purchase (e.g. a receipt - paper or electronic), VAT invoice (paper or electronic), an e-mail confirmation of placing an online order, and confirmation of a transfer from a card/account. Lack of proof of purchase, indicating that the Seller is the entity responsible under warranty, may result in a refusal to consider the complaint.

7. The Seller will respond to the complaint within 14 days of receiving the complaint.

8. If the complaint is accepted, the Buyer receives information on how the complaint was dealt with.

9. The store refunds the cost of the returned goods after receiving the package and accepting the complaint. A damaged product will be replaced with a full-fledged one. If the exchange is not possible, the Store will return the Buyer the equivalent of the product's price and shipping or offer another product.

§6. Privacy Policy and Privacy Law

Pursuant to Art. 13 paragraph 1 and 2 of Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data as well as repealing of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation hereinafter GDPR), we would like to inform you that:

1. The customers' personal data administrator is BONATED Sp. z o.o. Contact with the personal data administrator is possible via the following e-mail address:

2. Customer's personal data will be handled in accordance with the regulations regarding the protection of personal data, implemented privacy policy for the purpose to conclude and shape an agreement, as well as its further amendments or termination, and proper realisation of services via electronic means necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests (legally justified), the data processing shall not violate the rights and freedoms of the person, whose personal data are concerned, as well as in regard with the customer's consent, who has signed for, e.g. a newsletter.

3. In verband met de uitvoering van diensten zullen persoonsgegevens worden verstrekt aan externe partijen, met inbegrip van, in het bijzonder, leveranciers die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de werking van informatiesystemen die worden gebruikt voor het verlenen van diensten, entiteiten zoals banken en betalingsoperators, onderzoeksbedrijven, aanbieders van boekhouddiensten, juridische diensten, marketingbureaus (in het kader van marketingdiensten) en entiteiten die verbonden zijn aan de Administrator, waaronder het bedrijf BEAUTAMINE sp. z o.o. gevestigd in Radom, KRS: 0000456424 en het bedrijf ELEVER sp. z o.o. gevestigd in Warschau, KRS: 0001019164.

4. Customers' personal information shall not be shared with third countries/international organisations.

5. Customers' personal information shall be stored for the period of service and after its completion or consent withdrawal only to pursue possible recovery claims before the court or if national, European, or international provisions oblige us to data retention. The data administrator has the right to share customers' data information with other authorised parties in accordance with relevant provisions (e.g. law enforcement).

6. A customer has the right to access his/her personal information as well as their rectification, removal, processing limitation, data transfer, objection, or consent withdrawal at any time without affecting the lawfulness of data processing.

7. A customer has to right to file a complaint with a respective data protection office if the personal data processing violates the GDPR. Providing personal data by the Buyer is a condition for concluding the contract.

8. Providing personal data by a customer is the condition for concluding the agreement. A customer is obliged to provide personal information; otherwise, the contract cannot be completed and fulfilled.

9. The Buyer's personal data will not be processed in an automated manner, including in the form of profiling.

10.  The data administrator implemented pseudonymisation, data encrypting, and access control, which minimise the damages of possible data security breaches. Personal information is processed only by authorised persons and the processor with whom the administrator strictly cooperates.

11. BONATED Sp. z o.o uses "cookie" files. These files are saved on customers' computers via our server and provide statistical data about customers' activity in order to prepare an individual offer. A customer can disable cookie accepting at any time in a web browser settings. For more information about cookies go to

§7. Final Provisions

1. All information, photos of products, and trademarks of manufacturers are protected by copyright. It is forbidden to copy and distribute or use them for commercial purposes or presentation without the owners' consent.

2. The parties will try to resolve all disputes amicably, and if such an agreement is not possible, the competent common court will settle the dispute.

3. Placing an order means accepting the provisions of these regulations.

4. The information on the product page does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code.

5. In matters not regulated by these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Law on Electronic Services, the Law on Consumer Rights, the Law on Protection of Personal Data, the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, the Civil Code and other mandatory provisions of Polish Law apply.

6.    Care for consumer rights is one of the priorities of the Company. Hence, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions are not intended to exclude or restrict any of the rights consumers are entitled to under the mandatory provisions of the law, and any possible doubts shall be explained in favour of the consumer. In the event of any inconsistencies between these Terms and Conditions and the acts listed above, the provision of the Law on Consumer Rights shall prevail and are to be applied.

§8. Out-of-court Methods of Dealing with Complaints and Pursuing Claims

1.    In particular, the Customer has the following options to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims:

- The Customer is entitled to apply to the permanent amicable consumer court operating at the Trade Inspection with a request to settle a dispute arising from the concluded sales contract,

- The Customer is entitled to apply to the Provincial Inspector of the Trade Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings regarding the amicable settlement of the dispute between the Buyer and the Seller,

- The Customer may obtain free assistance in resolving the dispute between the Customer and the Store, also using the free assistance of the district consumer ombudsman or social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection,

2.    Detailed information on the possibility for the Customer to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims, as well as the rules of access to these procedures, are available at the offices and on the websites of district consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Voivodship Trade Inspectorates and on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (




❤ Hair Care Pana houdt van gummies en van koekjes ❤
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Werkt Hair Care Panda Vegan Gummies echt?

Tuurlijk. Het is hetzelfde als vragen, en je wilt mooi en gezond haar te hebben?

Hoe werkt de magische combinatie van ingrediënten Panda Vegan Hair Care Gummies?

Elk ingrediënt in de VEGAN SUPER Biotin Complex ™ -formule is uitermate belangrijk. Iedereen is attent om de conditie van je haar te verbeteren. Biotine helpt om gezond haar en huid te behouden. Niacine helpt een gezonde huid te behouden. Vitamine B6 draagt bij tot de regulatie van hormonale activiteit. Vitamine A helpt een gezonde huid te behouden. Selenium helpt je haar gezond te houden. Vitamine E helpt de cellen te beschermen tegen oxidatieve stress. Zink helpt gezond haar, huid en nagels te behouden. Pantotheenzuur draagt bij aan de juiste synthese van vitamine D. Vitamine B12 helpt om vermoeidheid en vermoeidheid te verminderen. Thiamine helpt bij het goed functioneren van het hart.

Hoe Hair Care Panda Vegan Gummies te gebruiken?

We weten dat de heerlijke smaak van Hair Care Panda Vegan Gummies het plezier is om ze te eten, maar we raden je aan jezelf te beperken tot 2 stukken gelei per dag. Eet ze als gewone gelei, het is het beste om het eerder grondig te kauwen. En dat is alles! Geen drinkwater, problemen met een ongemakkelijke capsule of tablet!

Hoe bewaart u Panda Vegan Hair Care Gummies?

Hair Care Panda Vegan Gummies is buitengewoon en heeft een goede behandeling nodig. Stel het product niet bloot aan zonlicht. Bewaar de verpakking op een beschermde plaats (bijvoorbeeld in een kast) op kamertemperatuur. Gelei houden niet van te hoge temperaturen, vitaminen en mineralen ook niet . Let ook op de jongste fijnproevers - dieetsupplementen moeten worden bewaard op een manier die niet beschikbaar is voor jonge kinderen.

Hoeveel magische jellybeans zal ik vinden in het Hair Care Panda Vegan Gummies verpakking?

In één verpakking Hair Care Panda Vegan Gummies vind je ongeveer 60 magische jellies, het nettogewicht is 300 gram.

Is Hair Care Panda geschikt voor kinderen?

We weten dat een smakelijk uiterlijk en smaak kleine fijnproevers zullen verleiden, maar Hair Care Panda Vegan Gummies is een product voor volwassenen vanwege het hoge gehalte aan actieve ingrediënten.

Welke ingrediënten vind ik in Hair Care Panda Vegan Gummies?

Ingrediënten: glucosestroop, suiker, gemodificeerd tapiocazetmeel, gemodificeerd aardappelzetmeel, vitamine- en mineralenmengsel (zinkgluconaat, DL-alfa-tocoferylacetaat, nicotinezuuramide, calcium-D-pantothenaat, retinylacetaat, natriumselenaat, cyanocobalamine) D-biotine, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitraat, pteroylmonoglutaminezuur); zuur: citroenzuur, zuurteregelaar: natriumcitraat, aroma's, kleur: titaandioxide, groente- en fruitconcentraten: tomaat, radijs, appel, pompoen

Nutraceutical wat betekent het?

Nutraceutical het klinkt alleen gevaarlijk;) Het is een voedingssupplement dat dankzij de minerale ingrediënten en vitaminen een effect heeft voor de goede werking van het lichaam ondersteunt, inclusief haarverzorging.
